Under the current law most public servants (including teachers) must take unpaid leave for the three weeks between nomination and polling day. Paul Hopkinson refused to take unpaid leave when requested, and as a result has been suspended without pay.
Paul is not going to knuckle under to this law, and he will press on regardless as part of our campaign to make workers’ issues hi-viz this election. But Paul is a working guy with a family who can ill afford three weeks off the payroll.
Paul is doing his bit to fight for what’s right and he deserves backup. The Workers Party will do what it can to fill the gap, but we are a small group with few financial resources.
We’re appealing to all workers and democrats who hate injustice to help us fight this undemocratic provision of the Electoral Act.
Please send donations to Paul Hopkinson Appeal, c/o PO Box 513 Christchurch or deposit directly to the following bank account:
Bank: Kiwibank
Account Name: RWL
Account Number: 38-9003-0870512-00
and be sure to include “Paul” as the reference code.
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